Saturday 10 September 2011



All I want to know is that I am worth your time
Aging is not a matter of time, its a matter of mind set.

A man can be 82 but have the heart and soul of 28. I have no idea how that feels, but I am just saying it is possible.

So what do you want when you're old? I dunno, coz I'm still not considered yet.
But why do people get married and have kids? So that they don't get lonely when they're old.

Is it? Is it really?

Coz when you think about it carefully, once you get older, your kids get older as well. They might have their own family, which meant less time for you.
Okay I'm rambling. But my point is, everyone needs companions.

My grandmother (from dad's side) just recently went to have a surgery.
No matter how many times she repeats “Men lai la, bo eng men lai!" (hokkien for "no need to come, you're busy no need to come.") in her heart she really meant "Don't need to come if you can't, but I'm scared, please accompany me" (the way I see it anyways.)

Because my grandmother is a woman. And women never meant what they say. (girls and women are not the same, don't wrongly interpret it.)

When they say, "No I'm not hungry, I already ate yesterday.", they really meant "I'm starving but I'm too shy to let you know that I eat." =.=
Okay this is exaggerating but you get my point.

From what I've heard, this isn't the first time my grandmother going through operations.

She knows how painful it is.

If it were me, I would be terrified, so I know she would be too.

My parents drove all the way to Penang to accompany her through this hard time. My mom also told me a lot of other relatives also took time to visit her. To a mother and a grandmother, that's all that she needs- to see everyone cares!

Going through it, it might be very painful. But seeing the whole family gathering together once again, just makes it all worth it. :)

PS. The operation was successful.
Love you Ama!

我在8-9-2011面子书的Wall post:
这么快,我在写住之前的wall post时,女儿在房间又写完了一篇。不谙福建话的她还用“men lai la, bo eng men lail la"(不用来啦,没空不用来啦)来幽了家婆一默。女儿替家婆开心因为来自十个儿女、三十几个子子孙孙的关怀这次都一一在手术前夕让家婆感受满满。手术前晚,小姑六岁的儿子问:'阿嫲做么这么开心的?"家婆笑不拢嘴说:”这么多人陪我sembang(聊天)lor“得意忘形的家婆恢复她原来的逗趣,问她想吃什么,”satay",在严肃的副校长允许之下,老公快快照办,家婆在病床上偷吃了。没想到隔天一早进手术房前,护士还有这么一问:“昨晚吃什么晚餐?”。我一本正经的说:“两口炒面,一块饼干。”待护士走出房外了,我继续说:“还有两支不沾酱的satay",大夥儿,包刮家婆,都笑到瞟出了泪来。

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